Featured image of post new project 「 Sumr 」 - a tldr extension for Safari browser

new project 「 Sumr 」 - a tldr extension for Safari browser

Summarizing articles right from your default browser on iOS and MacOS.

「 Sumr tldr product page 」

I am making an extension currently - Sumr, to summarize articles in Safari browser. Mostly for myself actually. Using it already on daily basis.


I have tried using Arc Search browser as my daily driver, but somehow I always come back to Safari. I like the way Safari works, the way it looks. But I was missing one feature - the ability to summarize articles. So after trying out existing apps, I decided to make one myself.

notable features ::

  • summary is stored locally in your browser’s memory, so if you revisit the website - you can read previously created one (no need to summarize again → money saving)
  • works on iOS, iPadOS and MacOS; should work on VisionOS too
  • uses your own OpenAI key - no subscription, pay for what you actually used

more info ::

Here I’ve created a project page.

Also I am sharing progress updates on twitter and on threads.

check the updates in thread ::

availability ::

Sumr is available for free on App Store.


  • iOS 16 or later
  • Mac with Apple Silicon (Intel won’t work)
「 Sumr tldr product page 」
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