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Script that grabs all text from files in a folder, wraps it up, and preps it for AI.

what is this?

「 export4ai 」 is OpenSourced on GitHub

Script that grabs all text from files in a folder, wraps it up, and preps it for AI. No more copy-paste nightmares.

why care?

Need to feed text files to an external AI chatbot? This script does it in seconds. Helpful for iterative back-and-forth.
Save time, look cool.

The code is open sourced on github, so there is no weird stuff, no external services. And you can modify it to your liking, build automation, go wild.


clone it:

  • git clone https://github.com/pa1ar/export4ai

alias it:

  • Add to ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc:
    alias 4aiexport='python /path/to/4aiexport.py'
  • Reload: source ~/.zshrc or source ~/.bashrc.

then use it

Assuming you in the right folder (your project or whatever).

  1. basic:

    • 4aiexport . - Export all text files in the current dir.
  2. exclude junk:

    • 4aiexport . -x node_modules -x README.md - Skip these.
  3. specific files:

    • 4aiexport file1.txt file2.py - Just these.


  • if you want to copy the output to clipboard, add | pbcopy at the end of the command
  • you can modify the wrapping of the script in the 4aiexport.py file to your liking

That is all.

「 export4ai 」 is OpenSourced on GitHub
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