Featured image of post app 「 Sumr 」 - a tldr extension for safari browser

app 「 Sumr 」 - a tldr extension for safari browser

Summarizing articles right from your default browser on iOS and MacOS.

「 Sumr tldr product page 」

what - summarizing articles right from your default browser on iOS and MacOS

The problem - you are reading an article and you are not sure if it is worth your time. You can either read it all or skip it. The first option is time consuming and the second one is risky. The solution - a browser extension that will summarize the article for you.

The extension will be available for Safari on iOS/iPadOS and MacOS.

current state

notable features ::

  • summary is stored locally, so if you revisit the website - you can read previously created one (not need to summarize again → money saving)
  • works on iOS, iPadOS and MacOS; should work on VisionOS too
  • uses your own OpenAI key - no subscription, pay for what you actually used


It should be ready soon, testing it currently and polishing design.


The plan is to release it for free, but you will require to bring your own OpenAI key. I might add optional features which will be available as one-time purchase:

  • ability to ask follow up questions
  • alter system prompt


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